Segmentation & Brand
Awareness Study
A leading Market
Research firm
Geographies Covered
10 countries
Project Objective(s)
A segmentation and brand-awareness study for various Taiwan industries. The target industries include ICT (e.g. PC/NB/networking products/storage/software etc.), Home leisure (e.g.: family daily necessities/ health related products/ Household appliances/ Transportations & accessories etc.) among some other industries.
Study Methodology and Specifics
Project was done in two phases: Phase 1 included- 5,000 CATI interviews and 1000 Exit-interviews; and Phase 2 included: 5,000 CATI interviews, 1000 Exit-interviews and 15 Focus Group Discussions (FGDs)
Based on the data collected, Azure was responsible for creating the segments and preparing a segmentation report
Other responsibilities include programming the links, and delivering final data in ASCII for quantitative interviews.
50 video interviews were conducted with female shoppers
Azure managed the recruitment, moderation, and delivery of transcripts for qualitative phase.
Data was delivered as Data uploaded in customised template directly to client servers, Segmentation Report and Brand Awareness Report.