Market Research Firms


Market Research Firms provide their clients the insights needed to identify opportunities, hone strategies and increase market share.

Many of the best Market Research Firms deliver unparalleled expertise in research consulting and project design, as well as critical findings, analysis and strategic recommendations with Azure supporting these efforts in a variety of ways.

Gain a Virtual Core Competency in Data Collection

Where most Market Research Firms need help is in the critical, tactical execution of fieldwork, sampling, scripting and survey planning, management and processing.

For a growing number of firms, it’s simply too costly, too time-consuming, and too challenging to attempt with in-house resources. This becomes even more difficult when addressing new or hard-to-access demographic groups or distant geographic markets.

And beyond all other challenges and risks, the risk of gathering bad data is one every Market Research firm must avoid.

Azure provides Market Research Firms a virtual core competency in data collection, management and processing, providing critical data for more than 2,400 market research firm projects annually.

Good Research Requires Good Data

We understand the markets we cover and can recommend the best approach to suit the local and cultural realities linked to international fieldwork. Our quality gates, embedded throughout the data collection process, ensure the validity of data collected, regardless of method.

And our global team, established partnerships, and well-honed and proven efficiencies in process and technology enable us to deliver accurate data quickly while pricing our services competitively.

With Azure, you’re never confronted with the challenges of multiple teams, processes, time zones, prices, protocols or an array of disparate deliverables. As a client, you benefit from working with a single Azure point of contact, regardless of your research location, method, or scope.

Great research is difficult enough, without added roadblocks that could derail your project’s success. Trust Azure for good data, fast results, competitive pricing and a stress-free relationship.